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3.      Strategi Struktural dalam Penerjemahan
Ada tiga strategi dasar yang berkenaan dengan masalah struktur, yaitu:
-          Penambahan
Penambahan di sini adalah penambahan kata-kata di dalam bahasa sasaran. Penambahan jenis ini bukanlah masalah pilihan tetapi keharusan.
-          Pengurangan
Pengurangan artinya adanya pengurangan elemen structural di dalam bahasa sasaran. Seperti halnya penambahan, pengurangan ini merupakan keharusan.
-          Transposisi
Transposisi adalah suatu keharusan apabila tanpa strategi ini makna bahasa sumber tidak tersampaikan. Transposisi menjadi pilihan apabila dilakukan hanya karena alasan gaya bahasa saja. Dengan strategi ini penerjemah mengubah struktur asli bahasa sumber di dalam bahasa sasaran untuk mencapai efek yang padan. Pengubahan ini bisa pengubahan bentuk jamak ke bentuk tunggal, posisi kata sifat, sampai pengubahan struktur kalimat secara keseluruhan. Pemisahan satu kalimat bahasa sumber menjadi dua kalimat bahasa sasaran atau lebih, atau penggabungan dua kalimat bahasa sumber atau lebih menjadi satu kalimat bahasa sasaran juga termasuk di dalam strategi ini.
Transposisi juga bisa dilakukan karena pertimbangan gaya bahasa atau stilistika.

3.      Structural Strategies in Translation
There are three basic strategies related to structural problems, that are:
  • Addition

The addition here is the addition of the words in the target language. The addition of this kind is not a matter of choice but a necessity.
  • Reduction

Reduction means a reduction in the structural elements in the target language. As well as addition, this reduction is a necessity.
  • Transposition

Transposition is a necessity, if without this strategy, the meaning of source language is not delivered. Transposition be an option, if it is done only for reasons of style language. With this strategy, the translator changed the original structure of the source language in the target language to achieve a corresponding effect. These changes can be changing the plural to the singular, the position of adjectives, until the conversion of the sentence structure as a whole. Separation of one source language sentence into two sentences of the target language or more, or merging two sentences source language or more into the target language sentence, is also included in this strategy.
Transposition can also be done because considerations of language style or stilistika.


  1. This online translation is free
  2. Already available in mobile app: AppStore and Google Play
  3. Providing 43 languages for language resources
  4. Support .doc(x), .ppt(x), .odt, .pdf & .txt (Maximum file size 5MB)
  5. Can send the translation by email
  6.  Can print the translation

  1. Most languages can only translate into English, except Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish
  2. Can’t translate the right context on the source text

Source text: You save my life
SDL version: Anda menyimpan kehidupan saya
The right translation: Anda menyelamatkan hidup saya

     3. The grammar is wrong
Source language: Saya makan hamburger tadi malam
SDL version: I eat hamburgers last night
The right translation: I ate hamburger last night

GINGER (www.gingersoftware.com)
If you want to use this software, you have to install it first. This application is available on free version and on premium version.
  1. Available on free version
  2.  Available on 63 languages for translation program
  3. We can make our dictionary on Personal Dictionary by adding a new word.
  4. This software is available some tools that can help us on translation process, that are:

-          Writer: this tool is used to check the grammar
-          Translate: this tool is used to translate from source language to target language
-          Define: this tool is used to find the definitions of a word or terms, and show us the class word.
-          Synonyms: this tool is used to find synonym of a word or terms.
-          Favorites: this tool is used to save any word that we want to save, so we can use later.

5. Have a good grammar, but not always. So, we have to check it by own.

  1. This is not online translation, so have to install the software first.
  2.  This application use internet connection on any tools, so if there is no internet connection, this application is useless.
  3. Text reader is only available in Ginger Premium, so we have to download the premium version if want to use the Text Reader.

  1. This online translation is freE
  2.  Available on 15 languages for translation program
  3. Not only can translate a text, this application can translate web page, RSS, and file too.
  4. This application is available a dictionary, not only that, we can make our dictionary on My Dictionary.
  5. In the Options, we can insert special characters, print the document, and change the page portrait and landscape layouts.

  1. Indonesian language is not available on this application.
  2. We have to login first, if we want to translate RSS form and File form.
  3. We have to login first, if we want to try to make our dictionary on My Dictionary.

Trados is an application for a translator. In this application, there are many features to facilitate the work of a translator. More watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5cfyAt-0rU
  1.  Trados include an online CAT tool. CAT (Computer Aided Translation) is a computer program that helps to translate text documents more efficiently.
  2.  This application, there are additional features to facilitate the work of a translator. All have been automatically set by this application, such as auto deadline calculation, auto scheduling, auto job delivery, etc.
  3.  We can try this application first and it is free.

  1. Have to download and install to use this application
  2. The price is quite expensive. It is $99 to $2595.

Wordbee is Translation Management System. Wordbee is similar with Trados. This is an application for the translators. In this application, there are additional features to facilitate the work of a translator. More watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7ab0mbM2v8
  1. Wordbee include an online CAT tool. CAT (Computer Aided Translation) is a computer program that helps to translate text documents more efficiently.
  2. Translators, proofreaders, managers, and experts can all collaborate in the same document, at the same time, because this application is use online system.
  3. This application, there are additional features to facilitate the work of a translator. All have been automatically set by this application, such as auto deadline calculation, auto scheduling, auto job delivery, etc.

  1.  Have to download and install to use this application
  2. There is only 30 days free trial.
  3. The price of this application is quite expensive. It is $330 to $3500 a year.